domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

Life Project

MEMBERS: Talia Estefani Angulo Ortiz -Jasbleidy Bustos Catiblanco         Saida Lucia Carvajal Silva- Lesly  Carolina Ramos Galvis


My name is Talia Angulo I have 15 years after graduating from grade 11 and has seventeen years old I want to start a career in university psychology to me is very interesting because in this way I can help people in need, this race lasts 4 years and 1 year practice branch of psychology.

After finishing my degree in psychology at twenty-two, I want to get a good job where I can implement my knowledge and thus show a different perspective on life.

After having a financially stable life I want to have a life partner in which you can have confidence, I do not want to have children but if I want to adopt, I want to be baptized as Jehovah's Witness. I want to travel to different countries and learn about their different cultures. Another of my dreams is to lay a foundation where dogs live pruned and thus not that many abandoned dogs.



My name is saida Carvajal I have 15 years and am in school Enrique Olaya Herrera and I graduated in 2017.

In two years I want to be a studious person, with great success and knowledge along with two titles from one school and one from a logistics technician. I want to prepare me to go to college to study law in Canada, I have a university degree.

After a long study of the right way, I want to get into a military school to be in the DEA agency to combat drug trafficking in the United States. I desire to create about two companies in Paris International perfumery and other desserts in Canada and London and I love so much the products of these countries.

With effort and dedication I want to have life project well prepared. He wants to have two cars a truck and one black with a big house that is special to my family and my friends visit me and probably join with a good husband a son and daughter who want to adopt and live with my family always happy.



 When I graduate from high school, will to apply for a scholarship with the end of enter university javeriana or with the illusion of to be able to go an in the exterior from better another’s understandings which to will reinforce, my affection toward a career is the medicine in the specialization of pediatrician or in odontology. Haven’t clearly which no is nothing easy obstaice but which with the help of god and my family will to gain. After of to have complete, this dream my other purpose is have a good work for an economic profitable as any human being he needs, my desiere has been to become free to have my apartment, my things, I do not like that have time myself alone so I think about possibility of here inafter at my 26 years to enter the topic of the and the one who knows if it ends marrying to what to my me is a madness.



My life project is that for the next year is going to finish school as one of his best students, learning to speak and read English, I also like to learn to socialize better with people , graduating from high school with very good and average finish my school at sixteen years of age cycle. After my vacation to go on a trip with my friends or family to the beach or Paris to meet the feel tower, I'd rather go to Paris because that always like to do my dream vacation.

After finishing my career of gastronomy go live alone to Paris soon find a good job and learn to be much more independent and responsible in my life. And having great achievements in my career for the rest of my life and achieve one of the best professional chef in the country or the continent better or maybe the good world that's a matter of my work.

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